Assignment Instructions for Qualitative Research Critique:

The Qualitative Research Article Critique assignment provides an opportunity for students to write a formal paper reflecting review and critique of one of the three provided qualitative research articles. The critique is an analysis of the qualitative research article.

The primary citations and references for the formal paper are the selected article (one article selected from the three provided articles outlined in the assignment) and Polit and Beck (2020), MSN 600 required research textbook. Other current professional resources may be included to support rationale for questions.

One tool to help students look for potential plagiarism is Turnitin. Overall Turnitin Similarity Score should be 25% or less. The Turnitin feature is automatically turned on for Qualitative Research Article Critique assignment submitted in Canvas. After you upload and submit your qualitative research article critique formal paper in Canvas, a colored box should appear. One may click directly on the colored box to receive more information. If you receive an overall Turnitin Similarity Score greater than 25%, revise and edit your paper as needed and re-submit by the due date. The assignment may be submitted as many times as needed up to the final due date. More information about Turnitin is available under Module 0 Learning Tools and the Turnitin Highlights page under Student Resources.

The Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question Guide lists the guiding questions per research component to answer for the assignment. Students must reference the chapters outlined in required textbook Polit and Beck (2020) to assist in answering questions completely. Particularly note aspects related to critical appraisal in chapters 5, 6, 7, 22, 23, 24, 25 and aspects of trustworthiness in chapter 26 of Polit and Beck (2020) in regard to completing an overall critique of a qualitative research article. A link for the Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question Guide is listed below. Please synthesize answers to questions on the Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question Guide and per Polit and Beck (2020) textbook to fully meet grading criteria on the Qualitative Research Critique Grading Rubric. The Qualitative Research Critique Grading Rubric is provided below.

Students need to address each research component thoroughly based on the content of the article, synthesizing and providing rationale for each of the statements. If a research component is not addressed in the article, students must explain whether or not this is justified and provide rationale.

The Qualitative Research Critique paper is a formal paper and should include a title page, abstract with keywords, an introduction, body of the paper, personal reflection, conclusion, and a reference page (listed on a separate page following the conclusion of the paper). The paper should be no more than 9 to 10 pages, excluding title, abstract, and reference page. The personal reflection paragraph should answer questions such as: How does the article contribute to your understanding of research? Does the article change your views of the topic? What do you consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

The paper is to be written using APA (2020) format including the professional paper required elements. Refer to sample professional paper in APA (2020) manual for examples. Citations and references must be included to support information shared in the paper. Citations and references need to reflect required readings as well as current (within the last three to five years) professional sources. Please review discussion board section of MSN 600 syllabus for what constitutes professional sources.

Please choose one of the provided three articles listed below on which to write your critique. Choose just one and include the entire citation in your critique.

Henderson, L., Kamp, B., Niedbalski, K., Abraham, S. & Gillum, D. (2018). Nurses’

perspectives on patient and visitor violence: A qualitative study.

International Journal of Studies in Nursing, 3(2), 117-126.

MSN 600 Qualitative Article Henderson et al. (2018).pdf

Stokes, Y., Jacob, J-D., Gifford, W., Squires, J., & Vandyk, A. (2017). Exploring nurses’

knowledge and experiences related to trauma-informed care. Global Qualitative Nursing

Research, 4, 1-10.

MSN 600 Qualitative Article Stokes et al. (2017).pdf

Sun, N., Wei, L., Shi, S., Jiao, D., Song, R., Ma, L., … Wang, H. (2020). A qualitative study on

the psychological experience of caregivers of COVID-19 patients. American

Journal of Infection Control, 48(6), 592–598.

MSN 600 Qualitative Article Sun et al. (2020).pdf

Assignment Objectives:

• Critique study objectives in research reports.
• Demonstrate knowledge of methods to gather and organize information for a study.
• Identify research problems generated from the practice setting.
• Critique research problems and the purpose for a study.
• Critique literature reviews for relevance, currency, and multidisciplinary sources.


The Qualitative Research Article Critique is worth 20% of your Course Grade.

The Qualitative Research Article Critique will be graded according to Qualitative Research Article Critique Grading Rubric, assignment guidelines/directions, Qualitative Research Article Critique Paper Question Guide, and MSN 600 syllabus.

Qualitative Research Article Critique Paper Question Guide with link:

MSN 600 Qualitative Critique Paper Question Guide (2).docx

Qualitative Research Article Critique Grading Rubric is provided below.

*The last 4 criteria of the rubric are for faculty to assess student writing of this formal paper assignment. Students do not include the last 4 criteria in their paper. The criteria that are reserved for faculty only AND that students do not write to are the following:

—Ideas organized and clearly expressed including an introduction, personal reflection, and conclusion/summary. –4 points The personal reflection paragraph should answer questions such as: How does the article contribute to your understanding of research? Does the article change your views of the topic? What do you consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

—Information of the critique provided with few quotes from original sources. Ideally no more than two or three quotes–4 points

—Grammar and sentence structure is correct–6 points

—Adheres to APA 7th edition format/style–6 point

*Plagiarized papers will be given a grade of zero and could result in failure of the course.