This assignment is organized in two main parts: 1) Transcription and 2) Analysis.

The second part, Analysis, is further divided into 2 parts. In (2a) you are asked to find examples of greetings and greeting substitutes in the DATA. In (2b) you are asked to identify features of formality in the DATA.

Part 1) TRANSCRIPTION. After reviewing the transcripts provided below of four of the video clips to be analyzed for this assignment, produce your own transcript of Video Clip #5 (which is 3 minutes and 10 seconds). Follow the same format of the transcripts already done (and see transcription conventions at the end of this document). (10 maximum points for Part 1)

Part 2) ANALYSIS. Carefully watch each of the five video clips (the “DATA”) and, with the help of the transcripts, use the readings for this past week (chapters 7 and 8 of the Reader) to do the following:

2a) Identify all the utterance(s) or single words that constitutes the “greeting(s)” in the video clips according to the criteria proposed in Duranti’s chapter in the Reader. List the greeting expression you found next to the number of the relevant Video Clip. Also list whether you find “greeting substitutes.” If you think a clip has no example of greetings say so (“no example found”). (5 points maximum points for Part 2a)