Health care associated infections Task 2500 words As an infection control consultant, you have been brought in to your clinical setting (this could be your current place of work or a healthcare setting you are familiar with) to prepare a report and propose a set of infection control guidelines for the infection control team to manage the most significant respiratory infection in the setting. The report would be expected to include the following components: • A detailed description of the respiratory infection including the aetiology and epidemiology. • The specific infection control challenges pertaining to this infection should be discussed including analysis of risk factors for the acquisition of the infection and mode of transmission. • Examine, in detail, how these challenges impact on patient care. • Identify the core components of the control strategy required to reduce the burden of this infection in your clinical setting. (1500 words) The guidelines should provide a summary of the critical steps for prevention and management of this particular infection (500 words).Provide a rationale for your recommendations and evaluate the feasibility of implementation taking into account resource limitations. (500 words)Please use a font size no smaller than 12 point. Write in your own words. All sources must be cited in the text and a reference list must be provided at the end of the document. If an assignment includes tables or figures, please include these graphics within the Word document rather than uploading several different attachments or parts of an assignment. It is recommended that if you use tables or figures to illustrate your answer that these are not disproportionate in size compared to the text. It is generally recommended that you use no more than three tables or figures. Please note that tables and figure legends should be included in the word count 2500. Only references and appendices are excluded, and appendices (if used) should only include additional material which is not intended to be marked as part of the assignment. DIAGRAMS For an essay type task, adding in a diagram is an effective way of quickly and clearly illustrating key points. Diagrams can be ones you have produced yourself, which is preferable, or sourced from published work, if appropriate. For assignment tasks that specifically ask you to draw a diagram as part of the task it is important that this is your own work i.e. you have drawn the diagram yourself. Diagrams will be judged on their content and clarity and not on their artistic merit so please don’t worry if art is not your strong point.

Diagrams can either be drawn by hand on paper and scanned, or produced electronically using a graphics or drawing program, then inserted into Word. (Please use the “insert” command rather than “copy” and “paste”). However, any diagrams, figures, schematics or lifecycles must be labelled with a figure legend, properly cited and acknowledged, relevant and referred to in the text. Grade point 4 Very good engagement with the topic, very good depth of understanding and insight, very good argument and analysis. This work may be ‘borderline distinction standard’. ➢ Note that very good work may have some inaccuracies or omissions but not enough to question the understanding of the subject matter. A full discussion of the topic that includes all relevant information and critical evaluation. Almost all correct, none incorrect. 3 Good (but not necessarily comprehensive) engagement with the topic, clear understanding & insight, reasonable argument and analysis. The major points are discussed, but relevant, though less important considerations, are omitted. Most correct, a few incorrect allowed.

As an infection control consultant, you have been brought in to your clinical setting (this could be your current place of work or a healthcare setting you are familiar with) to prepare a report and propose a
set of infection control guidelines for the infection control team to manage the most significant respiratory infection in the setting.

The report would be expected to include the following components:
• A detailed description of the respiratory infection including the aetiology and epidemiology.
• The specific infection control challenges pertaining to this infection should be discussed including analysis of risk factors for the acquisition of the infection and mode of transmission.
• Examine, in detail, how these challenges impact on patient care.
• Identify the core components of the control strategy required to reduce the burden of this infection in your clinical setting.