The issue of childhood vaccinations has engendered strong feelings on both sides. Those who support vaccinating children against an array of communicable childhood diseases, some with serious long term consequences for the child, do so on the grounds that they protect the individual children and prevent the spread of such diseases to other children, a serious public health issue. Those who oppose vaccinating their children do so because they believe vaccinations are not safe and pose health risks for their child. They argue that the decisions regarding children’s health care should rest with the parents. An increasing number of states are making the vaccination of school-age children mandatory.

For this assignment, we are not concerned with whether there should be legally enforceable compulsory vaccination; rather, in a 3-5 page paper, address the ethics issues a parent should consider in making a decision about vaccination. Develop argument(s) for and/or against vaccinating children from two of the following perspectives: consequentialism/utilitarianism, deontology/moral rules, and the ethics of responsibility/care. Which argument do you find most persuasive? Your paper should evidence your understanding of each of these moral frameworks. (Note: The 3-5 page count is exclusive of the title page if any but inclusive of a references page).