• What are your goals for graduate study and your future career?
• In what ways do your academic background and your professional experiences provide evidence of your potential for success in the program you selected and in your eventual career? Please give specific examples of relevant coursework and/or experience.
• Is there any further information we should consider in assessing your candidacy?
Psychology Master Of Arts in Social, Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
Faculty research interests include multicultural issues, cognitive and linguistic development, discursive social psychology, gender and cognition, attitudes, political psychology, psycholinguistics, decision-making, and memory functions in different populations.

State your specific optional area of focus in the general master’s program in psychology and include your reasons for choosing this field of study. Social psychology examines the situational influences on behavior in individuals and groups as well as identifies psychological processes to explain those behaviors. For example, are you interested in how prejudice and stereotypes evolve and impact behavior in diverse groups and cultures? Or why the values or beliefs people hold don’t seem logical considering facts provided.