Throughout history, music and the arts have been funded in a variety of ways. In the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras, these funds were generally provided by the Church and the Monarchies. In the Classical and Romantic eras, a shift to the general noble/upper classes and a reliance on freelance work occurred. In the Modern era, funding shifted to Foundation, Corporation, and Government sources. In your opinion, how should the arts, music specifically, be funded in our time? You may include outside sources, but make sure to provide proper source citation.
Submission must be at least 2 full pages of text (not including header), double spaced, 12 point font (Times New Roman , please), standard margins. Submissions will be reviewed by Blackboard’s plagiarism checker “Safe Assign” against internet sources and other student’s work. Any submission rated 10% or higher without proper source citation will be subject to failing upon review by the professor.