Research a minimum of three (3) newspaper (on-line or in print) articles related to a singular current issue in the state, region, nation or world. This can be a singular event from alternative perspectives or a singular issue supported by several events.

Investigate and analyze the issues and people, (leaders, stakeholders, followers, bystanders, etc.) involved and their reactions, actions, circumstances leading up to the issues which may have influenced the issue/ event, and concepts from the text demonstrating leadership in action as well as areas where you believe adaptive leadership has been applied. (readings attached as pdfs)

Compose a typed 500 to 700-word paper (2-3 pages) analyzing the series of newspaper articles using concepts presented through the Contemporary Issues/Adaptive Leadership readings. (readings attached as pdfs)

Do NOT summarize the articles and do NOT pick a similar topic you have written about before.

Potential Topics Include:

Colleges and Universities re-opening

College sport seasons being canceled

Professional sports bubble experiment

The tragic killing of George Floyd

The USPS concern

Covid Pandemic/Vaccine

Coup of the Capitol

Miami Marlins/ San Antonio Spurs breaking glass ceiling

Be sure to use 12 point, times new roman font, double spaced, and cite using APA format.