“Mid-Term Break” by Seamus Heaney and “When I have fears that I may cease to be” by John KeatsCompare and Contrast Essay (In-class Exam)
Pick two poems that we read during our poetry unit and pick three literary elements to compare and/or contrast. You could choose anything from poetic devices, to meter and rhyme, to symbols, and themes, to literary theory. Just make sure that you choose three separate elements. (For example, do not analyze three instances of anaphora.) Make sure to use examples to back up your claims. You can quote actual lines from the poems. I will demonstrate how to do that before the test.

The essay should be a five paragraph essay with an intro paragraph that includes a thesis, three body paragraphs detailing your examples, and a conclusion. Please write your essay in a Word Doc or as a Google Doc saved as a PDF. When you are done, upload to Blackboard.

You will be able to use notes about what elements you would like to use, definitions, etc. You can make preliminary notes (such as writing down examples and evidence) and make notes on the poems, but you cannot write your essay beforehand. You can also write on the poems. You will have an hour and 15 min.