Finance for Managers

The word count is 1,200 words with a 10% margin.

You must compute the ratios yourself rather use than the ones provided and they MUST be calculated as shown in the file below .  You must include the workings.

The ratios you need to calculate are included below.  It is these you must calculate.  You will not gain any marks for other ratios and will lose marks if you do not calculate these.


Gross profit margin      
       Gross profit


x 100              Gross profit

Operating revenue (Turnover)

x 100
Operating profit margin         
Profit Before Interest and tax


x 100       Operating P/L [=EBIT]

Operating revenue (Turnover)

x 100
Operating Expenses margin      
Operating expenses


x 100 Other operating expenses

Operating revenue (Turnover)

x 100
Sales growth rate      
Turnoverlatest year– Turnover previous year

Turnover previous year

x 100 Use, for the calculation

Operating revenue (Turnover)

x 100
Return on shareholders’ investment      
                 net income

Capital and reserves

x 100 P/L for period [=Net income]

Shareholders funds

x 100
Return on capital employed      
Profit Before Interest and tax

Capital and reserves + debt


x 100

    Operating P/L [=EBIT]

(Shareholders funds + Long term debt)


x 100

Current Ratio      
current assets:current liabilities ?:1 current assets: current liabilities ?:1
Acid test (quick) ratio      
(current assets   :current liabilities

less inventory

?:1 current assets: current

less Stock          liabilities

Gearing ratio      

Capital and reserves + debt


x 100

    Long term debt)

Shareholders funds + Long term debt


x 100

Interest cover      
Profit Before Interest and tax

Interest paid

times     Operating P/L [=EBIT]

Financial expenses

Asset turnover      

Total assets

times Operating revenue (Turnover) 


Receivables days      
    accounts receivables

Operating revenue (Turnover)

x 365



Operating revenue (Turnover)

x 365


Inventory days      

Cost of goods sold

x 365



Costs of goods sold

x 365


Payables days      
      Accounts payable

Cost of goods sold

x 365



Costs of goods sold

x 365


Cash Operating Cycle      
Receivables days + Inventory days – Payables days days Receivables days + Inventory days – Payables days days


Most of the data you will need will be provided in the income statement and statement of financial position in the accounts you have retrieved.  You also need end of year market price and number of shares outstanding and these can be accessed by clicking on stock data and then Annual stock data (see below). You need this data to compute the following ratios:

Earnings per share      
               net income

Number of shares

  P/L for period [=Net income]

 Shares outstanding (th)


Note the (th) means you need to multiply the figure by 1,000 to get the number of shares

Price Earnings ratio      
End of year share price

Earnings per share

  Market price – year end

Earnings per share



Calculating appropriate accounting ratios prepare a report analysing the performance of and comparing the performance of the company over the last 2 years under the following headings :

  1. Profitability,
  2. Liquidity,
  3. Working capital management,
  4. Solvency & risk,
  5. Shareholder return,
  6. Overall financial performance.