Companies with a high performing culture have better results than companies with low performing cultures. This week you share an example of a high and low performing company culture and recommendations for improvement.
Review all the material in this week’s Readings and Resources, then identify (2) companies, one that has a high performing culture and one a low performing culture. NOTE: These can be companies you’ve worked for, people you know have worked for or companies that you have researched.
In your initial post, provide an overview of the two companies and examples that describe why you believe they have a high or low performing culture. What leadership practices (good or bad) might influence the performing culture of these companies? If you were in leadership, explain the steps you would take or the leadership techniques you would apply to change the culture of the under performing company, providing specific examples and citation to at least 2 outside resources to support your theory.
Cite 1-2 references to support your arguments.