You are the newly appointed as CEO of a Fortune 500 company that has recently been the subject of numerous media reports and state investigations focusing specifically on sexual harassment by mid and upper level managers. Your predecessor was fired by the board of directors and you are expected to change the organization’s culture. During your first meeting with the board of directors the chairman says, “make this problem go away so we can get back to business as usual.” In your discussions with the board members you realize that it is essentially an “old boys’ network,” and that they were bothered more by the bad publicity than the damage caused to several employees who had been sexually harassed. In essence, it becomes evident to you that the board is part of the problem rather than the solution. Keep in mind, of course, the board members hired you and also have the power to fire you.

– What are your options?

– Support your rationale with ideas you have gained from your readings and presentations in the past five weeks.

– What courses of action are you considering and which one(s) will you likely select?