Chicago manual

Lecture List

Listen to the above lectures given in each sections and answer the following questions. Each question should be around a 650 words and should be like a mini essay independent of one other.

1. Many of the artworks we looked at this week revolved around themes of communication, particularly, human and machine communication. How have artists explored machine communication in their digital artworks? What benefits and pitfalls of machine communication do their works point to? This week, you’ll compare and contrast two artworks from this module that explore ideas of human-machine communication. Be sure to compare and contrast not only their form and technology, but also their themes and views on human-machine communication. End your discussion by reflecting upon a device or machine you rely upon every day for communication. Do any of the themes explored by your chosen artworks come up when you think about your own use of a machine for communication?
2. This week we looked at some examples of activist and hacktivist art that focused on actively using the Internet as a space for public, shared information that otherwise may be obscured. Your assignment this week is to spend more time exploring and actually using the projects! Clock here to view Antoni Muntada’s The File Room (Links to an external site.) . Spend time on this site! Then, answer the following questions in your reflection: What personal and/or professional interest do you have in Muntada’s project? Describe how you chose to interact with the site: Did you search by location or medium, etc.? Did you change your approach after some initial interaction with the interface? How difficult or easy was the site to engage with? Were there any frustrations or delightful design surprises? Share some specifics about what you learned from your time exploring the site. Discuss 2-3 specific files in your own words and reflect upon them (screenshots are fine)!
3. please reflect upon how your ideas about digital art have changed after listening to all the lectures. Reflecting upon the artworks and artists we covered this week), what interested you most? Why do you think this is? Or, consider what artworks from this week reminded you of previous artworks or themes from previous weeks and consider how your ideas toward such works have changed.