Organize and Describe Previous Academic Coursework:

Create a heading for the two disciplines with the most coursework and include a description for each course you have taken related to each discipline, including the Course ID, Title, and knowledge and skills gained. You should describe what you learned in your own words.

Frame Your Two Primary Academic Disciplines

In question 2, you organized your primary coursework into two academic disciplines. Next, you will frame these disciplines using the information in Chapter 5. Answer the following questions in your own words for each of the two disciplines.

Discipline 1 Name

To which category does the discipline belong?
What is the discipline’s overall perspective?
What phenomena does the discipline study?
What are the discipline’s assumptions?
Discipline 2 Name

To which category does the discipline belong?
What is the discipline’s overall perspective?
What phenomena does the discipline study?
What are the discipline’s assumptions?

Brainstorm One Potential Research Question

Think about the topics you have discussed in previous courses, current events, or issues of personal importance that are related to your previous academic experiences. Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences:

What research question related to your previous coursework would you like to research?
Which of your previous academic disciplines is related to this research question and why?
In addition to the academic discipline you described in question 2 above, what are two other academic disciplines that would be potentially relevant to this research question and why? Use and cite information from the descriptions of academic disciplines in Chapter 5 to support your answer.
Why do you believe this research question is complex? Use and cite information from Chapter 6 to support your answer.

In 1-2 paragraphs, reflect on what you have learned in Module 3.

Which of the concepts in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 challenged you the most?
Which concept do you feel you understand best?
In addition to the research question you brainstormed in question 4, what is one additional research question you might be interested in investigating and why?
6. Reference Page

Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all sources cited in the assignment (including the textbook if used to paraphrase or quote responses to assignment questions).