You will answer three of the following questions. You should write at least 1.5 single-spaced pages in response to each question. Unless otherwise specified, cite at least two course readings (from Major Problems, or from The devil in the White City) in response to each question. Your answers should not be assembled in the form of one long essay; each question should be considered separately, though included in a single document file. Remember that the purpose here is to construct arguments based on textual evidence, not external sources or a mere rehash of class discussions. Use parenthetical citations where necessary: (last name, page #).
assemble your answers into a Word document with your name in file name (and in the document itself) and attach it to the. Remember to include question numbers. (Each answer is 33 percent of the grade; the additional point is a bonus.)

1) The settlement of the West was a massive undertaking that took decades to complete. How was it accomplished? What of the people already there?

2) What were the key factors behind the industrialization of the United States in the period following the Civil War?

3) Describe the union movement. What were its goals? What unified the workers’ experience in the Gilded Age? What factors created divisions within the community of workers?

Citation from source: Major Problems in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era