Conceptualizing Sexuality

Using the resources in this week’s module, discuss pornography and the culture of pornography. Specifically, MacKinnon refers to the “violation” of women. Frame this within the re-exploration of sexual history in the Chapter 2 reading. Feel free to talk about examples from your own personal experience or to bring in your own opinions. Engage with group members to foster a detailed and thought-provoking discussion. Even if you already have two posts, you can always reply more!

Some things to consider while you discuss:

When women sell their sexuality is it empowerment or objectification? When is it either, neither, or both? Consider recent trends of body positivism and self-empowerment, taking agency over your own sexuality, as well as disturbing trends of revenge porn. Take a look at the Recommended readings to familiarize yourself if you want to expand the discussion.

In order to receive credit for your response, As always, you must have specific references/quotes from the resources.