Pulmonary Function Testing Lab


A subject

A test supervisor


A Spirometer (MIR II spirometer)

Winspiro PR software


Initial Information

Input demographic and anthropometric information for the subject

Flow Volume Loop Testing

Instruct subject to sit comfortable in a chair (upright) with both feet on the floor

Instruct subject on what will occur during the test

Specifically demonstrate proper breathing technique for test

Have the subject secure the nose clip

Prepare the spirometer and software for testing

Have the subject perform the maneuver

Record the data

Perform the test 2-3 times

Maximum Voluntary Ventilation Testing

Instruct subject to sit comfortable in a chair (upright) with both feet on the floor

Instruct subject on what will occur during the test

Specifically demonstrate proper breathing technique for test

Have the subject secure the nose clip

Prepare the spirometer and software for testing

Have the subject perform the maneuver

Encourage the subject during testing

Perform the test 2-3 times


Flow-Volume Curve (FVC Loop) data for all subjects


  Subject #1 Subject #2 Subject #3
Parameter Actual % Pred Actual % Pred Actual % Pred
FVC 5.24 117 5.03 89 3.54 106
FEV1.0 4.31 108 4.33 89 3.08 105
FEV1.0/FVC 82.3 95 86.1 102 87 97
FEFmax (PEF) 10.18 127 11.62 116 6.85 108
FEFmid (25-75) 4.31 91 4.70 87 3.56 98


Maximum Voluntary Ventilation data for all subjects:

Parameter Predicted Actual
Subject #1 140.5 186.3
Subject #2 143.5 202.7
Subject #3 111.9 142.6



  1. Do any subjects have signs of restrictive or obstructive disorders? If so, explain.
  2. What is residual volume? Residual Volume (RV) can be estimated from your data. Calculate RV for each subject.

                  Females: RV(L) = .28 x FVC

                  Males: RV(L) = .24 x FVC

  1. Asthmatics tend to have smaller airways narrowed by smooth muscle constriction, thickening of the walls and mucous secretion. How specifically would this effect their PFT data?
  2. If a subject had a maximum exercise VE near or equal to their MVV values, what would this signify?
  3. Why might dizziness or syncope accompany the measurement of MVV?