Movie Review – The Notebook (2004)

Please watch the FULL movie if you have not seen it before you write the movie review.

Students will write a six- to seven-page, double-spaced review of the movie The Notebook that focuses on the issues of elderly people. In their review, students have to briefly summarize movie/book as well as evaluate and analyze it from a sociological point of view, using concepts discussed in this course. Additionally, students will discuss how the topics raised in the movie/book relate to the topics in the textbook and class discussions and what they did learn from this movie/book. Students are expected to combine their own thoughtful analysis with ideas and information found in the textbook or other sources. Therefore, as in any scholarly writing, students should not merely copy information from another author, but use evidence to support the contentions they have drawn from their findings and critically analyze related literature – this paper has to be an analytical paper, not a summary of readings. This paper must meet APA requirements of format and style. Students must cite the sources of all ideas, facts, and information used that are not their own, even if they have put the information into their own words. Failure to do so is plagiarism, even if the oversight is unintentional.

Short clip of the Movie:

Components % of Grade

Analysis and use of course concepts 30%

Evidence and support 30%

Organization and coherence 20%

Style and mechanics 20%

TOTAL 100%