Criteria:•Length:1000-1500 words (3.5-5 double spaced pages plus a Works Cited page
•Documentation: There needs to be a Works Cited page and no plagiarism within the essay. You must correctly use quotations when quoting a source and include signal phrases and citations (page numbers). When summarizing or paraphrasing, it must be done in your own words and it must begin with a signal phrase.
You may NOT list any sources on your Works Cited page that you do not use in your paper. Also, you may NOT use (through quotation, paraphrase, or summary) any sources that you do not cite in the text and on the Works Cited page –this is plagiarism and grounds for failing the assignment.
Your paper should have one-inch margins, use a 12-point Times New Roman font, be doubled spaced, and have a running header with last name and page number.
▪“Double spaced” means there is a line of space between each line of text. Do not do this by pressing enter at the end of each line.•
Sources: You must reference at least 2-4 credible primary or secondary sources and incorporate them into your paper.
•Support argument with evidence and critical thinking/explaining.
•Write a well-organized paper with: an introduction paragraph that includes a thesis statement body paragraphs, where each body paragraph is focused on one cause or effect; conclusion paragraph; and a Works Cited page.
•Write an essay following MLA paper formatting and MLA documentation style. Use standard spelling, grammar, and diction.
You may not use first person or second person pronouns (“I,” “me,” “we,” “us,” “our,” “you,” “your,”“I believe,” “I think,” “in my opinion,”etc.) for this assignment.
•An accurate Works Cited page