Title: The Netflix Effect
The essay will be about recommender systems
The structure of the essay:
What motivates this essay? (academic discourse and practical examples)
What is (are) the specific research question(s)?
3.Literature review:
Identify and discuss the related literature (theories, arguments, concepts)
Spot research gaps, tensions, and inadequacies, if any, in prior studies
4.A critical analysis of the problem (or theoretical framework) :
Contextualize the theory and theorizing in the research setting
Critically analyze the problem under investigation and propose arguments
5.Empirical facts :
Use examples or cases to illustrate, further expand or provide evidence for the claims
Justify contributions and implications
Acknowledge limitations and identify potential future research
“The study of the use of the recommender system in Netflix is a very good one, but you need to better justify the study and explain what you’re looking at, not based on your analysis of the case of Netflix, but mostly based on what the literature has said on this specific topic, and this is what you need to frame in the literature review.