This space is to answer specific questions and/or activities that relate to the assigned sociological topic(s). Students MUST cite textbook, video lectures, or module materials. Overall, you should be showing me you have been reading assigned chapters, watching video lectures, and reviewing other module material; thus, students should show an understanding of the sociological concepts. The discussion board should be 300 words per question; there are two questions, which equals 600 words per discussion board. Student must also interact with their peers by responding to two peers’ post, which is the final step of the assignment.


For Chapter 3,  questions:

Define folkways, mores, and sanctions. When was the last time you violated a folkway? How were you sanctioned? What sorts of sanctions do we impose on those who go against our accepted mores?


For Chapter 4, you must pick one from these questions:

According to Erving Goffman, we all engage in impression management to control what others think of us. Begin by defining impression management, front stage, and back stage. Then, choose one interaction, and list every aspect of the personal front you use to manage the impression you create.