1.1 Describe the types, signs and symptoms of possible child abuse.
1.2 Explain the different effects of abuse on a child.
1.3 Justify the need to respond appropriately to unusual behaviour and report accurately.
1.4 Describe appropriate actions and responses to observed signs and symptoms of possible child abuse (for example, contacting the MASH TEAM)

First, you will need to define the term child abuse.
You will need to describe the types, signs and symptoms of possible child abuse and explain the different effects of abuse on a child. You will need to consider within these criteria the different types of abuse such as physical and emotional, looking at the signs and symptoms in a child. You will also need to consider the effects that the types of abuse that you have described, showing an understanding of the effects not only short term but also as an adult. (1.1 /1.2).
Justify the need to respond appropriately to any unusual behaviour that is displayed by a child and how this has to be reported accurately, as well as describing the appropriate actions and responses that need to be taken by healthcare professions. Here you will need to consider the language and behaviour that it is used by healthcare professionals. (1.3/1.4)

Use high quality resources, google books,jstor, journals and gov webiste.

Double line spaced
• Used Arial font size 12
• Referenced correctly using Harvard and cite in text