The report must be presented as a text containing between 9000 words (Front page, tables,
graphs, appendices… not included). It can include appendices (for large tables or graphs, for example).

What will be assessed is your ability to:
• choose and apply the methods or tools reviewed during the course;
• make relevant comments and/or recommendations;
• present the report in a clear, convincing, and professional form.

Design and/or present the Costing system of a business unit (BU) that you know. It can be a Costing system
that already exists or that you think could/should be implemented. Make sure to explain why this system is
relevant (or not) for which type of decisions. Make sure, also, to provide some context details that are
necessary to understand the report (e.g., activity, size, objectives of the BU). The BU can be a part of a big
organization (e.g., department, profit center) or be a small organization as a whole.
An example of a report could be the presentation of an existing Costing system with (justified)
recommendations to improve it.