
Upon successful completion of the clinical experience, the student will be able to:

  1. Examine clinical reasoning performed by the registered nurse, physician, or health care team member in the acute care setting related to an ethical dilemma.
  2. Compare and contrast between observed clinical reasoning by the registered nurse, physician, or health care team member as it relates to Catholic social teachings.
  3. Discuss the appropriateness of the registered nurse’s, physician’s, or health care team member’s intervention as it relates to the ethical dilemma

Reading Assignment:

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (2019). Seven themes of Catholic social teaching. Retrieved from


  1. Read assigned readings above. ^^
  2. You will be given four case studies to read. After reading the case studies identify an ethical dilemma present in one of the case studies that resonates with you. You will need to describe the situation and what actions the members of the health care team took to address the ethical dilemma for the case study you have chosen.
  3. You will need to compare and contrast how the ethical dilemma (from the selected case study of your choice) was addressed as it relates to the seven themes of Catholic social teaching (from the website given above^^). As you analyze the situation, consider the thought processes that the health care team utilized to reach a decision.
  4. Evaluate the ethical dilemma intervention made by the health care team in terms of:
  5. Appropriateness of decision and associated actions
  6. How you would have acted in the situation
  7. The paper is to be typed, using APA format, 7th edition. Appropriate references should be cited. Two current peered review nursing journal articles (published within the last five years old) should be used to support components of the paper. More than one reference is expected. Journals such as American Nurse Today, Nursing 2010, RN, and Nurse Week are not quality peer reviewed nursing journals for evidenced based practice and should not be used for this assignment. If in doubt about whether your journal is appropriate, check with your clinical faculty (please contact me the customer if you need any clarification).
  8. All papers will be turned electronically as a Word document. Inclusion of the grading tool is required. Failure to include the grading tool will result in subtraction of points.
  9. Make sure your papers are proofread for spelling, grammar, and APA style. Nursing students are expected to be able to write professional collegiate level papers. Students are encouraged to utilize the available services on campus for assistance with writing, APA, and proofreading.