Discuss who and what determines curriculum content, and how this affects teaching, learning and assessment,

Evaluate approaches to knowledge and how these influence what is valued and taught in the curriculum.

Critically assess the main influences on curriculum development.

The majority of this essay will be about theorists and the input they have in what and how subjects are taught in the national curriculum.

A who and what determines curriculum content
B how does this affect teaching, learning and assessment.

Who says what’s important and what factors are considered when deciding the curriculum

Aspects of knowledge and its subdivisions (subjects, areas, projects, organisations)

Forms of knowledge, what differentiates subjects ? Are they able to merge ? What knowledge finds itself in the curriculum ?

Why is knowledge selected ? Theories behind RATIONISM, IMPIRISM

Body of knowledge – Egglestons model of knowledge – received perspectives and reflexive knowledge.

The theorist HURST on Propositional knowledge and procedural knowledge.

Who does and who should make decisions about which knowledge should be selected for the curriculum ? policy makers, politicians, teachers, parents ect

discuss why those people should have an influence, talk about any flaws in choosing those people.

What does and what should determine curriculum content ? Social issues such as science, citizenship, environmentalism, needs of the economy, technology, political ideologies.

Bert russell
George shaw
John dewey

How decisions about the content can affect delivery, eg limits the teachers creativity

use the theorists Brunner (humanist i think) and skinner and Bouloff (behaviourist) to talk about this.

Absolutist approach, fixed or factual.
relativist approach, co constructor

where is absolutism or relativism seen in the curriculum

Can you talk about how brexit will change the curriculum and the pros and cons of that.

1500 REPORT is a written report on an alternative form of curriculum in which you should discuss your chosen curriculum and critically examine how it differs from the mainstream

Examine different forms of curricula and how these influence teaching and learning