Write a formal academic summary about the article “And the Sky is Gray: The Ambivalent Outcomes of the California Master Plan for Higher Education”, by Simon Marginson. In your response sections, you should choose two or three key points from the article to reply to. You will discuss your own agreement/disagreement with the author’s ideas and your personal response to the text based on your own academic or life experiences. Opinions and experiences are welcome here, so use of first person is allowed. As you work with ideas from the text, remember to use signal phrases, transitional devices, quotation marks for any quoted passages, and MLA documentation (and your own strategies) to distinguish your ideas and language from those of the article you have been given.

Your audience for this paper will be college freshmen or high-school students who are considering college. You might think of it as a lesson you are trying to teach others to help them understand what they have signed up for or will in the future.