To investigate the impact of mergers and acquisitions on employee motivation in an oil and gas company in the North-East of Scotland
Analyse the challenges resulting from M&A activity
Explore the relevant theories / aspects of mergers and acquisitions;
Explore the impact of mergers and acquisitions on employee motivation

Justification of research topic
Due to the oil and gas downturn and the current COVID pandemic, there has been a decline in the oil and gas revenue. To remain competitive, increasingly companies are merging or acquiring businesses offering a different solution.
Despite the attention mergers and acquisition have received from financial and marketing strategists, evidence suggests merger failure rate remains as high as ever.
In light of the current wave of merger activities within the oil and gas industry, it seems an appropriate time to consider explanations of merger failure and assess the contribution of human factors to the success or failure of the M&A process in the workplace. Whilst some studies exist which contribute to the elucidation of the issues regarding mergers, the researcher believes it is important to explore the relationship with job satisfaction and how to manage mergers in reducing conflict in the workplace. These conflicts if not properly managed my result in loss of morale, employee dissatisfaction, loss of productivity and even increased Quality and safety incidents and so needs to be addressed.
This study may be of benefit to managers, change agents, people manager team, strategy and planning team to strengthen future M&A strategy to cater for and incorporate elements of human factors during change in order to improve the M&A success rate.