Essays must be at least 6 pages (can be more but not less for full credit). 12-point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins.
Your essay will analyze your chosen activist in light of at least one of the course readings. It is up to you what topic(s) you would like to focus on, but choose whatever angle that will allow you to argue for your activist as important for thinking about feminism and political organizing today.
You will need to include at least 3 direct quotes from your chosen activist and at least 2 quotes from the course readings in your essay.
Use either APA or Chicago style footnotes to cite your quotes and make a works cited page. Feel free to utilize the librarians to help you with your citations! There are also many online citation creation websites like EasyBib that can help you too.
You will need to find at least 3 outside sources on your assigned activist. At least 1 of your sources MUST be a primary source.
Potential questions to address in your essay: Why is your activist relevant for today’s struggles? Why are they important to you? How did they see feminism as important to their work? How did they challenge the prevailing thinking of their time on gender/race/sexuality/freedom? How did they make the world a better place? What aspects of their thinking still need to be taken further? What in their thinking or actions should or should not be repeated today? How did they help us understand our world better? How did they understand freedom from oppression? How did they imagine oppression and exploitation could be end