Alternative Media: Conceptually Speaking
Conceptual art concentrates on ideas, and artists who create installations consciously arrange an environment for the viewer to engage with. These types of artworks celebrate the perceptions and understanding of those who respond to them as much as the skills of the artists who made them. In your three-paragraph discussion on conceptual art and alternative media, focus on the following:

How do these practices compare with “traditional” media such as painting, sculpture, and drawing? What are your feelings about these “alternative” art forms?
How are these different from “traditional” art forms?
Which, if any, artworks from this chapter do you have trouble understanding? Why?
Which, if any, do you find refreshing or inspiring? Why?
Have you experienced being the viewer or participant in any of these alternative art forms? If so, which, and what was your experience like? If not, would you like to view or participate in any of these art forms? Why or why not?