Looking at an organisation that you are familiar with provide applied critical assessment of the recruitment and selection procedure being used as part of the larger Talent Management process.

Provide background information on your organisation, outlining the HR function and its responsibilities.
Outline and assess the full Talent Management process used within the organisation.
What HR planning has taken place within your organisation? Is this sufficient?
How has the Talent Management Process incorporated internal and external changes / trends?
Looking at your analysis and best practice what recommendations if any would you make for improvement within your organisation?

(Draw on your learning from Unit 1 – 4 and brainstorming activity in unit 1 to make use of frameworks, theories and best practice to support your ideas).

Word Count: 2,000 words (The report is 2,000 words and then the reflective statement is an additional 200 words. See below for details of reflective statement.)

The learning outcomes for this assignment are:
Contextualise HRM within your organisational setting.
Apply relevant legislation
Demonstrate an understanding of the HR process, Planning and Talent Management.
Suggested Reading
Critical discussion

Additional information on writing critically can be found at: Read more about how to write critically

Presentation format
Your response will be in the form of a written Report. This should be presented using Informative Headers, Harvard Referencing and a 3rd person writing style.

At the end of the report under the header Reflective Statement have a look at the journey that you have undertaken over the last 4 weeks and in completion of this assignment.

Reflect on:

Key learning points – what are they? and how will this aid you in your organisation / future career?
Learning journey – look at your time management; use of resources and the process you undertook in completion of the assessment.
Development areas if any for future units / modules / assessment activities.
The word count for this section is 200 words and is weighted at 5% of the MMA grade
This element can be written using a 1st person writing style. Read more about academic reflection.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
We take academic integrity very seriously. Academic integrity means acting with fairness and honesty, giving credit to others where you are referring to their ideas or research and respecting the work of others. Plagiarism is defined as: ‘Using or copying the work of others (whether written, printed or in any other form) without proper acknowledgement’. Before you finalise your assignment take time to check that all your statements are backed up with supporting evidence, that all sources you use – whether referring to their ideas, quoting directly or paraphrasing – are correctly referenced in the text. Correct use of referencing acknowledges the academic whose work has informed yours, enables the reader to find the sources you have used and demonstrates your ability to find and analyse relevant information.

Failure to properly acknowledge the work of others is an academic offence and may result in your work incurring a penalty or, in the most serious cases, you being removed from the course for academic dishonesty.

If you are unsure about referencing or plagiarism there are useful resources available in the Study Skills Hub which is accessible from the menu on the left hand side. If you are still experiencing difficulties with academic integrity then you can contact the Study Skills Team for individualised support studyskills-kol@kaplan.com

Please note, a word count penalty applies to this assessment.

If your assessment exceeds the word count limit or range by more than 10% then your awarded grade will be reduced by 10% grade points. For more information please see the word count penalties information.

Not meeting the word count

There is no grade reduction applied if your assignment does not meet the word count range or limit, but to maximise your opportunity to achieve the highest grade possible, you should aim to meet the word count or range as closely as possible.

Turnitin Originality Check
Before submitting your assignment, it is important to check the originality of your work by submitting your assignment to Turnitin.

By submitting your assignment to this tool you will receive an originality report which can be used to check that you have not included other authors work without correct citation. It is important to note that submitting your work to the Turnitin Originality Check tool does not count as a submission of your final work. You must still submit your assignment below.

Submission Instructions:
Submit your saved document below before the end of Unit 4
After the deadline, the submission page will be locked
If you need to apply for Late Submission, please complete the late submission of coursework form