You need to come up with scenarios that demonstrate each type of conditioning: a scenario for Classical conditioning, a scenario for Operant conditioning using positive reinforcement, a scenario for Operant conditioning using negative reinforcement, a scenario for Operant conditioning using punishment by addition, and a scenario for Operant conditioning using punishment by removal. Figure 5.1 on page 123, Figure 5.5 on page 132, and Figure 5.6 on page 134 will be very helpful. There will be five scenarios in all, one for each type of conditioning. (4 points each)

The scenarios must be written in story form, not simply bullet points. Each scenario should be a separate paragraph.

For the classical conditioning scenario, indicate what the unconditioned stimulus is, what the conditioned stimulus is, and what the response is. You can either include this in parentheses in the scenario, or indicate it at the end.

For the operant conditioning scenarios, indicate the stimulus, response, and consequence (reinforcement or punishment).

Heading should be name only, with the assignment title if you want to put it in.