YAD Critique

Critique of the Young Adult Development Project Website


Use the two section headings below to organize your critique. The length of the critique will be about 1.5 to 3 pages (single spaced) The website can be found at: https://hr.mit.edu/static/worklife/youngadult/index.html

Primary Messages

To identify the primary messages, focus on the IntroductionChanges in Young Adulthood, and Brain changes sections and maybe the About the Project section. If you knew little about research on adolescent and young adult development, what impression would you get about these two periods? What are they trying to convince you of? (Yes, it is okay to agree or disagree with their messages.)

Evaluation of Brain Changes

To evaluate the accuracy and completeness of information, use the Brain Changes section. On what do you think they base their conclusion that “the human brain doesn’t reach full maturity until at least the mid-20’s” (grey matter, white matter, other)? What is lacking, if anything, in their information.