ssignment Content
Write a 2,450-word comprehensive and cohesive paper using Parts I, II, and III of the Health Policy, Law, and Ethics Proposal assignments. Make sure to incorporate feedback from your instructor into the final paper.
Include the following in your final paper:
Provide an annotated bibliography using the three nursing journal peer-reviewed articles following APA guidelines. At least one of the articles must include a nursing theory.
Explain the relevance of the selected issue.
Provide your analysis by
examining how the issue is impacted by funding;
analyzing the relationship between the issue, access to care, and professional practice;
proposing a reasonable and real-world solution to the issue;
evaluating the need for changes in policy and law to implement the proposed solution; and
evaluating the financial impact of the proposed solution on the population, providers, and society.
Provide, as an appendix, your letter to the nursing administrator, which includes the explanation of each constraint, an analysis of the influence of the constraint on nursing practice, a determination about how you can overcome the constraint using the nursing process, and the theory you can use to support your potential solution.
Cite and reference all the sources you used in Parts I, II, and III. There should be at least 11 sources.
Format your paper and reference page according to APA guidelines.