Strategies for Resolution and Lobbying:
✓ Select and discuss three lobbying strategies that could be implemented to address and resolve Colonization in Canada and the affects it has had on the Health and Well-being of Indigenous People . Creativity is encouraged. This section should be approximately 2 pages.

✓ One of your three strategies must be a written resolution that could be presented at the CNA annual meeting.

✓ Please see the following website for more information on resolutions and for a resolution template.

✓ Within the paper the resolution should be provided as an appendix (per APA guidelines).
Some points to consider when writing your resolution:
✓ When you put forward a resolution to a professional association general meeting, the attendees haven’t read your term paper, so the sections your text and CNA website refers to are a brief overview and defense/support of your presented resolution. You want members to vote for, and therefore pass, your resolution. Including references is a great way to add validity to your argument.
✓ Be sure you are presenting a resolution relevant to the organization’s mission and goals and mention how your resolution will further these. Also consider the resources this resolution requires and ensure that it would be feasible for the organization you are presenting too.
✓ Mention the key stakeholders (from articulating the issue) who support your resolution or would be interested in seeing this agenda moved forward.
✓ There are no strict rules on formatting as far as indents, spacing, etc.  double space for ease of reading/marking
✓ For the purposes of this term paper, the resolution shouldn’t be longer than 1-2 pages.