1. Windshield Survey Assessment/Data Collection

Begin by identifying your community. It can be a whole town or a neighborhood. Remember that the community is a whole system, which functions because of the interdependence of its parts. The community is the client.

Supplement your impressions with data/information from the census, police records, school statistics, cham­ber of commerce data, health department reports, Masschip, CHSI and so forth, to confirm or refute your observations and conclusions.Include at least data on demographics, morbidity, mortality, and socio-economic factors.From the windshield survey and data identify health issues facing this community.
What are the problems you identified from the windshield/data collected? These problems should be related Healthy People 2020 objectives and be supported by your assessment findings. For example, Risk of heart disease among residents of Milton related to obesity, easy access to fast food restaurants and high rates death from heart disease. HP 2020 Objective: HDS-2 Reduce Coronary Heart Disease deaths. Each problem should be related to an HP objective and your paper topic.
2) Power Point Presentation

A. Create a slide presentation summarizing the findings from your windshield assessment. Include relevant photos and data as noted above.

Include problems identified from the windshield/data collected as noted above.
C. Upload your powerpoint presentation slides to Canvas.