1. Choose one poem from our 4 groups (Protest, American Life, Romance & International Poets) to analyze and critique for your Analysis Paper #1.
  2. Consider the following questions in your analysis and critique:
    1. What is the poet’s background and does the poet’s background inform your reading of the poem?
    2. Does the poet’s background add any information, authenticity, and/or credibility (ethos) to the poem’s representations?
    3. What is the genre of the poem? Does the poem reflect how other poets’ works within the genre influence the poet’s writing?
    4. What is the title of the poem? Does it influence your interpretation of what will follow in the poem?
    5. What themes and ideas does the poem address?
    6. Why do you think the poet chose these themes?
    7. Does the poet appear to have a particular audience in mind for this poem?
    8. Describe the form of the poem. How does the poem influence your interpretation of the poem?
    9. What literary techniques does the poet apply in writing this poem? (i.e. language, imagery, rhyme/rhythm, symbolism, etc.)
    10. What emotions (pathos) and tone are evoked in the poem?
    11. Are there any limitations to the poem’s representations?

Is the poem effective in illuminating current issues, enhancing readers’ understanding of those issues, or offering an alternative viewpoint to the issue