Research shows that people think more deeplyand integrate information better when it ispersonally meaningful. The fields of positive psychology,motivation, and human resourcesdemonstrate that people perform better when they capitalizeon their natural strengths (ratherthan focus on developing their deficits). Double-spaced,font size 12, 5-7 pages.Using Gallup’s Strength Finder Report, writea motivational autobiography. Cover:●The top five strengths you discovered about yourselffrom the assessment●What you learned from the findings, i.e., are theyin line with how you saw yourself ordid you learn something new?PSYC E-1508– Dr. Bobbi WegnerPage5of11
●What profession are you currently in or want to be in? What strengths are associated withthat profession

●Do your strengths support this work? If so, how? Ifnot, why not?

●What jobs are best suited for your strengths and why?

●Your thoughts and feeling on these findings, and howyou may or may not use thisinformation in your life/career