This assignment should critically discuss the features of effective pedagogy in one area of mathematics. How might this impact on classroom practice?

How do mental calculation strategies support addition and subtraction?

This should include
1. Introduction Clearly state what question will be addressed or reflected in this paper. Point out why choose ‘mental calculation’ as the topic. This might include its impact on students learning addition and subtraction in primary mathematics. The importance to implement mental calculation. The current situation how mental calculation is taught in maths classroom. etc.
2. Discuss the nature and characteristics of mental calculation.
3. Mental calculation strategies.
4. Discuss the importance of implementing mental calculation in teaching addition and subtraction.
5. Are mental calculation strategies effective or not according to different writers’ viewpoint as well as researches?
6. Discuss how do pupils use mental calculation strategies when doing adding and subtracting?
7. Discuss how do teachers implement mental calculation strategies in pupils’ learning process?
8. Discuss what are the implications for teachers, students and classroom practice?
9. Conclusion

Literature should be referred to simultaneously. The most important the implication(This should be the main argument for this paper)! Reflect how mental calculation could support classroom teaching? How do teachers implement mental arithmetic strategies to support teaching addition and subtraction.