The Glass Menagerie

1.Discuss Williams’ creative use of metaphor in the playconsider a few examples: the glass menagerie itself, the bird/nest imagery (relating to Laura and the apartment), and any other examples you deem important. Let’s keep an eye out for more metaphorical language as we finish the play, and what it signifies.

2.Discuss the theme of deception in the play. Consider both how characters deceive others, and themselves. Move from trivial to more serious examples, including the damaging consequences of each kind of deception.

3.Focus on Tom as a modern tragic hero a protagonist in conflict with his environment.

4.Focus on Lauraas the tragic (heroine) in the play. How do both family and circumstance conspire against her, in a sense, leaving her quite crushed at the plays end?

5.Focus on Amanda: how she isa “softy” underneath a tough exterior, or how her behavior has good intentions for the welfare of her children, particularly Laura. Or,alternatively, research how the original stage production (and, specifically, the actress playing Amanda) made the play famous.

6.Discuss the play as a tragicomedy; consider Amanda’s absurd delusions and Tom’s sarcasm, bothof which can be funny, but also the tragic circumstances at the center of their lives.