CLAS 2109: The Incarcerated Self and Society

Dr. Brian P. Sowers

Reading Review #14: Antigone, pt 2

This reading review covers roughly lines 780–1352 of the play (pages 192­–212)

  1. What are the defining features of the following characters in the play? What key roles do they play in the action of the story?


The Messengers


  1. How does Creon’s character evolve over the course of the play? What are his defining attributes/values?
  2. What does Teiresias tell Creon and how does Creon respond? What does this scene inform us about Creon’s understanding of political authority?
  3. Summarize what happens to Creon’s family at the end of the play. This ending should help focalize/direct our interpretation of Creon’s interaction with Antigone. What conclusions can we draw from their argument based on the end of the play?