Write at least one full page, double-spaced letter to your Adolescent ago, based on the section of development we are studying in the semester. The primary task for these letters is to deliver a message to yourself given your insights from the reading material and other experiences about what your younger, current, and older self should know, etc. Make them personal and informal.

Use the following questions below to guide your thought:


  1. What is occurring during the given period of development (biopsychosocial, emotional content)?
  2. What you needed at this stage (e.g., What care did you receive? What care did you not receive? Were preoccupations present? What were they? What were predominant feelings during this period? What were your strengths? What were areas for growth?)
  3. What do you need to know during this stage in order to thrive?
  4. How does spirituality play into your development during this time?

Please include my story below: