1. Who is responsible for William’s death? Support your response with strong evidence from the text.  Both Victor and Elizabeth blame themselves for the Murder of William.
  2. How does Victor’s guilt affect his health? What is Shelley’s reason in this recurring plot device?Be sure to cite the text as part of your answer.
  3. How is Victor’s reaction toward the Valley of Charmounix a stray from his previous views of nature? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
  4. How does the change in narration to the creature’s point of view affect the reading of the novel? Cite evidence from the text to augment and explain your answers.
  5. How do YOU feel when the creature is rejected by humanity?Use textual support in your answer for elaboration.
  6. What role in the creature’s development is played by the DeLacey family? Support your response with evidence from the text.
  7. What is the motivation behind the creature’s vow of “eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind?” As always, cite Shelley in your answers.