1) Do you agree that effective socialization is necessary for an individual to be fully human? Could this assumption imply that children with severe developmental disabilities, who cannot undergo effective socialization, are not fully human?

2) Do you know anyone with negative views in regard to race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious preference? If so, how do you think this person acquired these views?

3) Explain the looking glass self theory. Do you believe this correctly explains the socialization process for kids?

4) What are the agents of socialization? Which socialization agents influence you the most? How?

5) How is the media responsible for socialization?

6) Briefly describe one example of how peers influenced you or someone you know in a way that you now regard as negative.

7) What is the hidden curriculum? Do you agree that there is a hidden curriculum in secondary schools? Explain your answer.

8) How long does the socialization process last? Does it ever end? Why or why not?

9) Compared to when you were in high school, has your behavior generally improved, worsened, or stayed about the same? How do you think your behavior might change 10 years from now?

10) What are total institutions? Do you know anyone who has spent time in a total institution of any kind? If so, describe how this person’s experience there changed the person to the best of your knowledge.