Part I First write a short analysis of the form and meaning of Fresh Widow, a work (an “assisted Readymade”) by Marcel Duchamp in the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, NY. You might start by considering Fresh Widow in the context of Pepe Karmel’s essay, “Marcel Duchamp, 1917: The Not So Innocent Eye,” and the ways in which Fresh Widow resembles the form and content of Fountain and the ways in which it diverges from that Reaymade.

[250-350 words]

Part II Then research and write a paper entitled: “Duchamp, Readymades, Found Objects, and Contemporary Art in New York from the 1990s to the Present.” You must discuss three (3) of the following six artists:

Carl Andre

David Hammons

Sherrie Levine

Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Mike Bidlo

Rachel Harrison 

Once you have chosen the artists who interest you most from your research on the internet, compare and contrast their work(s) to each other and to the pioneering “readymade” art of Marcel Duchamp. You might also research artists and works at the “Collection” portals at the websites of the Metropolitan Museum Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Modern Art, The Guggenheim Museum, and the Brooklyn Museum, and any other museum with a good website.

Among the questions you might pose concerning the relationship of the work of these artists to Readymades and “found objects” are: What relationship or resemblance is there between the work of these contemporary artists and the Readymades of Duchamp?  What do all three artists have in common in terms of form and content? And how does each artist distinguish her/his oeuvre (body of work) from the Readymade art of the others, i.e. what is distinctive or interesting about each artist’s work? Does the idea of beauty enter into the equation? Are there ‘art world’ jokes contained in the works? Are political or social ideas of any kind aspects of the work(s)? Are the themes of originality and/or reproducibility relevant to the work of the artists you have chosen?