CD 1 0: Information Systems Security
Discussion Questions
1. Most data breaches are found within a few days or weeks. Why did the Yahoo! data breach take so long to be discovered? Would the disclosure of the data breach have been harmful to Yahoo!’s efforts to sell their company?

2. Have you been a victim of one of the large security breaches over the past several years? If so, what was the impact of your data being compromised? Did you have to take any actions to try to secure your data or your identity? Have you continued being a customer (or using the site) of the company that was compromised? (If you have not been a victim, think about how you would likely respond in this situation.)

3. The article reports that several years transpired between the time when the breach occurred and the time when the breach was acknowledged and made public. Why is there so much latency between the incident and the response?

4. Compare this breach to the Equifax data breach that also happened recently. (If you are not familiar with the Equifax breach, take a few minutes to conduct an online search and read about it.) Was the Equifax breach or the Yahoo! breach worse? Be prepared to defend your opinion.
Q I:1 A4