Write a ‘compare and contrast’ style essay comparing the literature reviews of the papers, the methods used in the papers, the findings in the papers, and the strengths and weaknesses of the papers.
Your essay is to be 3000 words and it should be structured as follows but it is up to you whether you want to use additional subheadings and how you wish to allocate words per section.
Discuss the context of the papers and provide a general outline of the topic of each paper.

Evaluating sources
Discuss how the authors approach reviewing the literature. Do any of the papers stand out for providing contextual information? Do all of the papers rely on the same body of literature?

Consider the research questions or topics of the papers: which paper’s papers methods are most suited to accessing the central question or topic? Are there any weaknesses to the research design or methods used?

Address how well the papers discuss their findings. Are you convinced by what the authors write? Do their findings answer their research questions?