1) How an art form or artwork has documented identity and change of a specific group of people over time. For this option, think about communities to which you may belong. How have these communities changed over time? How have any art forms (music, theater, literature, poetry, film, dance, visual art) showed this change?

2) How an art form or artwork illustrates your own identity and change due to your personal “journey.” For this option, think about yourself and how you have changed over time. Is there any particular art that can be used to showcase this? Again, any art form is viable here (music, theater, literature, poetry, film, dance, visual art).The Assignment:
Create a PowerPoint on your selected topic using a variety of electronic media:
• A PowerPoint of ten slides, including a title slide and a bibliography/work cited slide
• At least one sound file or link to a sound file (i.e. YouTube link, which must work)
• At least one video file or link to a video file (again, the link must work)
• At least three still images to illustrate the points you are making in your presentation
• One slide with an analysis of an artwork, demonstrating how it is linked to the topic
• One slide summarizing the nature of the journey or change and the art’s role in this

Write a paper of at least 500 words, describing all of your thoughts relating to the PowerPoint you created. As you can probably tell, this project was originally designed to be an in-person presentation. Thanks to COVID-19, however, this is being adjusted. So, think of the paper portion in relation to how you would have presented this material to the class. Be sure to mention whether you chose option 1 or 2 above