Philosophy of Art
Professor Helena Domenic

New Criticism and New HistoricismFor our next assignment:​

· Can you think of an artist (musical, theatrical, visual, etc) who has said or done something hideous that you previously admired? ​

· Who was the artist and what was it?​
Did the artist’s words or deeds change the way you felt about that person’s work?​

· Is there ever a time when it is acceptable to consume (purchase, support, view) art from an artist who has done “bad things?” ​
If yes, explain why.​
If no, explain why.

· Consider the statement, “engaging critically with a work of art is completely different from endorsing the morality of the artist.”​

· Next, consider this statement: “our time is limited, we cannot devote equal critical attention to every work of art out there, and it’s reasonable for critics to curate their choices a little. ”

Do either of these statements change your answers to the questions above? If so, how and why?