1.Discuss  How audience involvement and second screen involvement relates to each other to make media more effective such as media polls, live voting (ex. American Idol) and Sneak Peeks (through apps or other transmedia)

2. Growth of Media Convergence in transmedia storytelling and its advantages.

3. Television and Transmedia and its relation to audience involvement.

you will submit a 1,000-word (double-spaced) paper exploring the future of transmedia.

You will support your paper with at least three sources other than the information and articles found in the modules. Consider everything you’ve learned about the various ways users receive messages, share stories, interact with each other, and play games across multiple digital platforms. In your writing, you will reflect on the examples of transmedia examined throughout this course, as well as information you find in your other sources, to make an educated prediction of where you believe transmedia will be in 10 years.

Some points to consider in writing your paper:

Popularity of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu
People watching programs and movies on digital devices
Second-screen involvement
Interactive gaming
Growth of Reality Television and Audience Involvement

Make sure you clearly explain your perspective on how the future will look. This final paper should include analysis of the themes raised in each learning assignment which was Media Literacy, Convergence, Research & Effects, Storytelling: Local and Global Impact, Television, Internet & Citizen Journalism, Evolving Journalism, Entertainment vs News, Media Law, Controversies & Trends, The Business of Media, Audience Involvement, and Media Ethics.

Use 12-point font for the entire paper.

double-space your paper throughout, and leave one-inch margins on all four sides.

Include the name of the assignment as the title of your paper.

Your paper will be evaluated based on grammar, understandability, structure, and punctuation. Communicate clearly, proofread, and spell-check. Make sure your work is original, as all papers will be checked for plagiarism. If you need extra help with writing, contact the Writing Lab for support.

Do not include the prompts or questions in your response. You should synthesize all the ideas from the three parts into one paper. Do not include lists, bullet points, or section headings in your paper. In other words, write your response in prose.

Cite sources throughout your paper using MLA formatting. For instance, if you quote someone, you will put quotes around what they said and reference the date.\research the MLA style. And read the questions and answers in this link below for further support: