There are three elements the criminal justice systems uses to address incarceration:

1. Rehabilitation.
2. Deterrence
3. Punishment

In an analytical paragraph or two, discuss whether the majority of resources in the penal system should be directed toward Punishment (mandatory sentencing guidelines which judges must adhere to) or Rehabilitation (mental health, substance abuse, educational programs) in order to establish a Deterrence so criminals will not become recidivists (returning to jail for continuing criminal behaviour after being released). Currently, the criminal justice system, since the late 1970s, has emphasized Punishment rather than Rehabilitation. Remember, resources are limited, so the system must use most of its resources for either Punishment or Rehabilitation (half and half is not feasible). Jean Valjean believes circumstances other than simply the crime itself must be taken into consideration when sentencing, whereas Javert believes the law will become meaningless if it is subject to emotions and special circumstances when sentencing. Which position do you most agree with and why?

12 point font, double space, Times New Roman, no header required.