Gotterdamerung means death of the gods. In considering climate change, the word that springs to mind is, hubris. Climate change reveals the conundrum of expectations of increasing production. Not only are resources finite, but the ability of environments to manage waste are as well. Using course materials, what praxis (action informed by theory) do we need around climate change?

Harraway argues we are already Cyborgs. Explain and define Harraway’s cyborg. Be sure to explain the three leaky distinctions. Using examples from a range of readings to discuss the ways in which we may, or may not be cyborgs. Be sure to highlight the challenges and conundrums of being cyborg. Consider impacts on equity, axes of identity (gender, race, class, age, region, and so forth).

We are living an example of Naomi Klein’s, Shock Doctrine, with COVID. Explain what Klein means by the “shock doctrine.” In what ways are experiencing “shock doctrine” problematics with COVID 19? What can we do to mitigate these things? (Be concrete)